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时间:2020-06-14 22:31 作者:佚名

2011年06月17日 17:11 中国日报网-英语点津   Nearly 中信湘雅供精成功率_温州代孕产子 half of American dads under 45 this Father's Day say they have at least one child who was born out of wedlock。  And the share of fathers living apart from children is more than double what it was just a few decades ago, according to a new study。  But among married fathers, children are said to be getting more attention from both parents at home than ever before。  A Pew Research Center report highlights the changing roles of parents as US marriage rates and traditional family households fall to historic lows。  The study found that college-educated men who tend to marry and get better jobs are more involved with their children than lesser-skilled men struggling to get by。  Pew's survey and analysis of US government data found that more than one in four fathers - 27 per cent - with children 18 or younger live away from at least one of their children. That 中信湘雅供精成功率_温州代孕产子 number is more than double the share of fathers who lived apart from their children in 1960.  But married fathers who live with their children are actually devoting more time helping their wives with caregiving at home - a task once seen almost exclusively as a woman's duty. Such fathers on average now spend about 6.5 hours a week on child care, which include playing, helping children with homework or taking them to activities. That's up from 2.6 hours in the 1960s。  Among fathers with at least a bachelor's degree, only 13 percent had children outside marriage, compared to 51 percent of those with high school diplomas and 65 percent of those who didn't 中信湘雅供精成功率_温州代孕产子_父亲节调查美 finish high school。  Age, too, was a factor. Three quarters of fathers who were 20 to 24 had children out of wedlock, compared to 36 percent for fathers aged 35 to 44.  The findings come as the latest US census data show that marriages have fallen to a record low, pushing the share of US households with married couples below 50 percent for the first time。  Sociologists say younger people are increasingly choosing to live together but delay marriage as they struggle to find work and resist making long-term commitments。  父亲节即将来临,而最新调查显示,近半数的45岁以下的美国爸爸承认至少有一名非婚生子女。  调查还显示,与孩子分开居住的父亲的比例是几十年前的两倍多。  但在已婚的父亲中,孩子在家中从父母那里得到的关爱更多了。  皮尤调查中心的这份报告指出了父母角色的变化。美国的结婚率和传统的家庭数量已跌至历史低点。  研究发现,与那些工作技能较低、疲于谋生的男性相比,结婚意愿较强、工作较好、接受过高等教育的父亲与孩子的关系更亲密。  通过调研分析美国政府提供的数据,研究人员发现,在孩子18岁及以下的父亲中,超过四分之一(27%)与至少一名子女分开居住。这一比例是1中信湘雅供精成功率_温州代孕产子_父亲节调查美960年的两倍多。  但与孩子一同居住的已婚父亲会花更多的时间帮助妻子照顾孩子,这项任务曾被视为女性的专职。这些父亲平均每周花6.5个小时照顾孩子,包括陪孩子玩耍、帮孩子做作业、或者带孩子参加其它活动,而上世纪60年代仅有2.6个小时。  在有学历本科及以上的父亲中,仅有13%有非婚生子女,而在仅有高中学历的父亲中该比例为51%,在没读完高中的父亲中该比例高达65%。  年龄也是影响因素之一。20岁至24岁的父亲中,75%有非婚生子女,35岁至44岁的父亲中,这一比例为36%。  美国公布的最新人口普查数据显示,结婚率降至历史低点,已婚家庭比例不到一半,这在历史上还是首次。  社会学家指出,越来越多的年轻人选择同居,推迟婚期,因为他们忙于找工作,而且抗拒做出长久承诺。 登录名:密码: 快速注册新用户 新闻图片博客视频中信湘雅供精成功率_温州代孕产子_父亲节调查美 分享到:相关热词搜索 留言板电话:010-62675178 保存 全文浏览 大 中 小 打印 关闭 返回首页 中信湘雅供精成功率_温州代孕产子_父亲节调查美 图铃下载新浪公益【杂志】 男人易被她诱惑大S绝招绑住汪小菲的心【游戏】 手机游戏中心 魔幻西游记 拳震天下【手机】 自信从签名开始创意贺卡DIY 祈福许愿 【专题】 身份信息核验温馨短信祝福 哈哈乐园【图片】 经典美女大集结妙龄女郎 偷看 气喘吁吁【主题】 精品主题推荐 手绘娃娃 蒙奇奇 四叶草 【短信】 全城热恋交友让我帮你给邮箱续费吧【推荐】 让姓名变成诗你的姓名被侵权 新闻时讯5月就拉闸限电正常吗汶川上万家庭重获幸福枣庄东湖堪比西湖美北京社区开辟家庭菜园广西泥石流救援目击把儿童节还给孩子有多难映秀新址 新人成家汶川重建已投8851亿中国式禁烟的尴尬汶川捐赠铁公鸡再调查给善行排次序很荒唐吃当地当季蔬菜要当心重访异址复苏映秀小学浙江确认31人血铅超标垃圾分类不能只靠市场2011深港澳车展6月开幕 ·鼻炎--过敏鼻炎--有妙招 ·打呼噜--止鼾有绝招 ·白发--白发转黑--必看! ·女人更年期--就用依能静 ·咖啡减肥一杯瘦3斤 ·打呼噜——防猝死 ·狐臭--治疗狐臭有绝招! ·美女喝汤丰胸--绝啦! ·城市热点节庆活动 ·新浪《对话城市》 ·诚招合作伙伴·新企邮上线更优惠 中信湘雅供精成功率_温州代孕产子

